That Distant Place

For some of us, (really I think most of us), there is an urge to see new places.  I think it is hardwired into our species, and probably linked to other attributes we share such as insatiable curiosity, inventiveness and an inherently social element drives us to seek out new people and new experiences.

This to me means that the term wanderlust has much deeper implications.  Our ability and need to explore new places, things and people feed a core part of our beings.  When we are able to feed this need, afterwords, (or during), we are compelled to share our experiences as well.  This takes the form of story telling, and enriches our experiences and relations with those we get to tell about our adventures.

In creating the site Rolling Hobo, it was my hope to bring people together in their pursuit of places to experience and their love of relating those experiences.  I have found that as I travel to various places they all have these stories to tell.  If I take the time to listen, be curious and talk with others I get an opportunity to learn about and connect to places through their past, present and future.  This creates a richer and deeper connection to the places I have traveled, and gives me a greater appreciation of what it means to be alive and moving about on this planet.

I hope you will join me, in filling in the gaps of the various maps that exist in our heads or on the various sites and applications that seek to connect us through our spatial DNA.  For more see how you can contribute to the Rolling Hobo story map project: Rolling   To See the map on Rolling Hobo, click!

I look forward to meeting you, “out  there”, So Far, So Good!

Heenan Lake, California, USA
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